Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Full House

Modern Steel Construction weighs in on the NSSBC.


"We get the cream of the crop every year, and they get to compete against each other. You can't get any more real-world than this." - JP

ha ha ha, uhhhhhh, let's see if this were the real world...SUNY Canton would get the contract, have steady work for a while, be able to feed their kids, and the rest of the teams would be bidding their asses off for the next one, hoping to make some kind of a profit in this shitty economy...not celebrating the end of the Competition with moral victories. also...super-steel would never be used, because it's, uh, expensive and would SO be included in the bid. In fact, let's make it REAL, real world and take the judges out to dinner the night before the competition, get real friendly, and then penalty right there baby, yeah no big deal, carry on.

1 comment:

  1. taking the judges out for dinner the night that's a much better idea than tequila shots with the judges the night after.
